The next day, the next adventure. We queue for a boat.
Foreground: parents. Background: homes you can’t afford.
Foreground: swedish flag. Background: rotating bridge.
Yes, rotating bridge!
We land at our destination, Sigtuna!
The parents are not intrigued.
Dad, complaining that the rock placement process needs improvement.
I’m kidding. Dad really likes medieval runestones.
I really like 1000-year-old church ruins.
I really like pareidolia .
Dad checks whether ancient ruins have WiFi.
This is not the first time, nor the last time, that dad stares at a ancient viking runestone and talks about Ents.
There are many ancient viking runestones around.
There are also many 1000-year-old church ruins.
There are only some ancient viking runestones inside 1000-year-old church ruins.
Ancient things are tiring. We boat home.
But my day’s not over… World Cup with Flower and Freddie!
Good try, Costa Rica :(