Train tickets arrive.

Train passengers arrive.

Train arrives.

At our first stop, “MALMÖ”, we fill in our next destination. “BERLIN”.

After all that hard work, we deserve a drink!

Then we immediately get on another train, because trains are nice.

This train has an old Australian fruit farmer.

The train approaches this train station.

From far away, the train station looks very narrow.

From closer up, the train station still looks very narrow.

There’s something very unusual about this train station…

Isabelle agrees, this is not what a train station looks like.

It’s tightly packed and full of cars!

And… diagrams of a boat?

A train boat!?

We are on a train on a boat.

Our train takes us here:

Our train takes us here:

Finally, our train takes us here:

Which is Berlin!

We bid our kind train farewell.

And… get on another train.

We just like being on trains.