Visit from the West

Visit from the West

The sun is shining and the grass is green.

A great time to visit Sweden.

They flew all the way from Atlanta to get barbecue.

And they’re ready for a nap.

But first they need to meet Yasaman.

And try her culture’s cuisine.

Then they can finally try the local cuisine.

Some local cuisine is too advanced for visitors.

And some local cuisine is befuddling.

But they’re willing to try.

At least a bit.

Energized with falukorv, they’re ready to see the sights.

I promise them grand sights.

Wow, what a grand ceiling!

Promise fulfilled.

We also encounter grand window ornamentation.

And grand golden murals.

Large golden murals.

With googly-eyed ladies.

With googly-eyed horses.

With googly-eyed dragons.

With googly-e…. ehhh.

They practice descending the stairs.

In preparation for their upcoming Nobel Prize awards.

They gaze at grand displays of flowers.

And less grand displays of flowers.

And off into the grand distance.

Where the grand buildings rise.

It puts us all in grand spirits.

And ready for subterranean snacks.

And cheese snacks.

Yasaman wants to kidnap them.

For snacks at her place.

Then it’s off to the next adventure.

A house full of junk!

Mom is overjoyed.

There really is just so much junk!

There are books.

There are phones.

There are statues.

There are ceramics.

There are beauty products.

There are paintings.

There are plates.

Boy are there ever plates.

Room after room of assorted items!

The wonders never cease!

Dad isn’t as convinced.

Until he finds the gym.

Then we all need a break.

And we need to get home.

For reindeer and pickled fish.

Back in the city, there are disturbingly small trees.

Dad wants a commemorative photo.

Of mom with some flowers.

There’s something very interesting about the flowers here.

Very interesting, indeed.

They think about those flowers for hours.

Haunted by their mysteries.

“They were just so pink!” they tell anyone who will listen.

And Joakim is a great listener.

One group photo before they leave. Uh oh, dad blinked.

That’s ok, we can try again. Uh oh, mom blinked.

One more try, and… uh oh.

“Nineteenth time’s the charm,” they say.

See you again surprisingly soon.