Things to do in summer: make rhubarb jam.

Buddha rhubarb, butter.

Put your rhubarb jam on morbier. Very fine idea.

Things to do in summer: eat a birthday sushi platter.

Things to do in summer: dig a hole with your dog.

Dog likes sandboxes.

Things to do in summer: sous vide pork.

Things to do in summer: have a work party on a boat.

Or a work party with archery.

Or… work party in the city.

Work party on a balcony.

Work party in a bar.

Work party in a football stadium.

Work party with pickled fish.

Work party with folk music.

Work party with flowers.

Work party with slackers.

Work party with bands.

Work party with visuals effects.

Work party with dance.

Work party with animatronic bunnies.

Vicious bunnies.

Frisky bunnies.

Sneaky bunnies.

Work party with neon.

Work party with… neon.

Work. Party. With. Neon.

You get the idea.

It’s actually just LEDs. It’s not even neon.

Work party with me.

Summer is for work parties.