It was Sweden, it was Summer.

We took Flower to the off-leash dog island!

She had a swim.

She met some swans.

Then we went to an outdoor play.

And found bento boxes.

And bibimbap.

We discovered how many engineers it takes to inflate a ball (5).

Then we put our finger in the way of the camera.

But Stockholm is boring. I hear Estonia is pretty epic.

“Let’s take this boat to Estonia,” says Isabelle.

“Let’s take this boat to Estonia,” says Eric.

“Let’s take this boat to Estonia,” says Seagull.

So we ride a boat with sunsets.

A boat with a place called “25 Hour Fast Food” that is open “24h” and closed one hour per day.

I keep watch for whales.

Eventually we find Tallinn.

Tallinn makes us smile.

We hang around in ornate garden patios.

Eating liver.

And admiring medieval things.

We get proper baltic porters at proper subterranean bars.

And we restock our gin collection.

My potatoes are growing things.